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Sarah Roberts
Oct 15, 2019

Sarah Roberts
Jun 24, 2019
Somebody Swallowed Stanley Tour
5 days. 10 schools. Over 2000 children. Lancashire to London. What an absolute whirlwind of a tour. With the help of three amazing Indie...

Sarah Roberts
May 31, 2019
No Ordinary Jellyfish.
The story behind the book, 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley'...

Sarah Roberts
Apr 24, 2018
Biodegradability and Plastic: All you need to know...
'With great power comes great responsibility' - quote from Spiderman In this day and age, where environmental issues are suddenly...

Sarah Roberts
Apr 16, 2018
Plastic Pollution - How did we get into this mess?
It’s an undeniable environmental crisis, one that requires collaboration across the board with industries, public and politicians from...
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